‘Keeper’ Game for Panic’s Playdate Console

‘Keeper’ Game for Panic’s Playdate Console

Following the launch of Panic and teenage engineering’s new indie console ‘Playdate’, I decided to create a simple but fun game based on being a goalkeeper.

Here’s a little intro to Playdate if you’ve never heard of it before

Creating the game involved a few fun challenges:

  • Creating 1-bit graphics in Figma
  • Learning Lua from scratch
  • Applying Lua to work with the Playdate SDK


After around three weekends’ of tinkering, I released my first version of the game, which included these features:

  • A goal for you to protect
  • A player you can move around the pitch
  • Footballs which randomly spawn and randomly (but increasing) speed as the game goes on
  • Highscores which are stored in the Playdate’s internal storage over multiple play sessions
  • Power-ups to collect
    • One for slowing down the footballs
    • One for speeding up the goalkeeper’s movement
    • One for doubling points per save
    • One for triggering all power-ups at once!
  • Scene management
    • Starting screen with prompt to start playing
    • The main game scene where the play happens
    • The game over screen, where your final score is displayed
  • And last but not least… when you pull out the crank (yes, Playdate has a crank) a wall appears to help you block shots. You can even move the wall around using the crank!


I plan to continue adding to the game over time when I think of ideas on how it could be even more fun, and eventually I am going to make the code open-source and write a tutorial so others can learn how to make games for the Playdate too.


The game is now available to download for free on Itch.io