Kotlin Guides (Author)

Kotlin Guides (Author)

After a Google I/O event, where Google officially announced Kotlin as a first-class programming language for Android, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So, I decided to teach myself the language and along the way, write an easy-to-understand guide for others to follow.

At the time, there were no good, cheap Kotlin guides for beginners, and I wanted to make the fairly challenging path to learning the language easier for those who wanted to follow in my footsteps, so I made the book as simple as possible, providing as many code examples as possible, while also keeping it short, sweet, and the cost low.

I released the first book aimed at those who wanted to begin learning Kotlin but didn't have much prior programming knowledge. I took them from basic things like their first Hello World application to actually doing quite complex things, like writing recursive algorithms.

The second book focused on developing with Kotlin for Android applications. During this book, I used Android Studio to illustrate how a person could develop, build and ship their own Android apps. I also went into detail about how to develop responsive layouts for Android applications.

To this date, both books have been read in multiple countries, from Brazil to Japan, and including the UK, USA, France and Germany. Over 600 copies of the book have been sold worldwide, and over 16,500 pages read with Kindle Unlimited.